I am

This is where I show off my work, but I've probably abandoned
the upkeep to this place because I'm probably working... sorry

My Pet Project

Guitar Gym

I made this project to help me get faster at playing the guitar. It's a progressive app so you if you open it up on your phone you can use it like a regular phone app! It uses speech recognition technology so you can operate the commands with your voice and keep your hands on your guitar!

Here are some voice commands you can use:

Command Description Example
Start Starts the metronome "Start"
Stop Stops the metronome "Stop"
Raise Increases BPM by 10 "Raise"
Lower Decreases BPM by 10 "Lower"
Set <number> Set the BPM to a specific number "Set 120"

Note: Chrome will automatically disable voice after a few minutes. If this happens, then just refresh your browser. You may also experience some lag depending on your internet connection.

Note: This is based off of Google Chrome browser's implementation so it is subject to their code. If they decide to remove the technology that powers the speech recognition, then it won't work :(. You can still operate everything manually.